Xd unu
Hello :D! Im Matoxy (or just Matias) a mexican that just draw some stuff funny idk
the Discord user: Matoxy#3825
Age:13, Male
A school >:v
Mexico (the tacos land)
Joined on 5/22/21
Xd unu
As a brazillian, i cried
@banYT not funny dude. if it was your mother i don't think you would say it
@KalStuff dear user of newgrounds, READ carefully WHAT others WRITE
(I said "xd unu" , the unu is sadness)
@banYT how would i know im not mexican
@KalStuff 60% of those who use the internet: ?
@banYT kys
@KalStuff cry about it sleepy
fuck.... We've just lost another legend...